Piracy Policy

Welcome to Educatelife's Privacy Policy ("Policy"). This Policy outlines how we handle copyright infringement matters encountered by Educatelife ("We" / "Our" / "Us") in relation to content uploaded by Us and third-party users ("User" / "You" / "Your") on the Educatelife mobile application ("App") and https://educatelife.in/ website ("Site"). This Piracy Policy is an integral part of the Terms of Service and Piracy Policy and should be read in conjunction with them.

Collection and Display

Content (as defined below) uploaded onto the Platform (collectively referred to as the "Platform") undergoes a comprehensive review by Us ("Screening"). This involves evaluating the Content based on technical and legal criteria, including but not limited to assessing its originality and ensuring it does not infringe upon any third-party intellectual property rights, such as trademarks, copyrights, or other proprietary rights.

For the purposes of this Policy, "Content" encompasses text, software, scripts, graphics, photos, sound recordings, audio, music compositions, videos, audio-visuals, interactive features, and other materials accessible through the Service. The "Service" encompasses all aspects of the App and/or Site, including Educatelife App channels and other applications.

To ensure thorough Screening and minimize piracy risks, large Content files are broken into smaller batches before being uploaded onto the Platform.

Following Screening, Content that passes the Screening ("Undisputed Content") is separated from Content that doesn't pass ("Unapproved Content") and Content that hasn't been screened yet ("Unreviewed Content"). Unapproved Content is inaccessible on the Platform. Only Undisputed Content is displayed in search results when you search for Content.

Copyright Infringement Action

We are committed to upholding all applicable laws when addressing copyright infringement on our Platform.

Here's our policy highlights:

  • Copyright Violations: Educatelife respects the intellectual property rights of others, and we expect you to do the same. We may suspend or terminate your account for copyright violations or violations of our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.
  • Resolving Copyright Complaints: We aim to address all copyright complaints ("Complaints") related to content on our Platform or copied from external sources and published on our Platform by the original owner of the content. Complaints must include substantial proof of copyright ownership and specific instances of infringement for us to take action.
  • Legal Advice: We do not provide legal advice to complainants pursuing legal action against infringing parties. Complainants should seek independent legal counsel in such cases.
Categorization of Infringement
  1. I. Copying and Publishing Content on the Platform

    If a Complaint is received reporting infringement of original Content published on the Platform, the following steps may be taken:

    • Removal of Disputed Content within 36 hours of receiving proof of copyright infringement from the Original Owner.
    • Notification to the Disputed Owner about the Complaint.
    • Possible actions taken at our discretion, including permanent removal, draft status, or deletion of the Disputed Content.
    • Potential deactivation or blocking of the Disputed Owner's profile for repeated offenses.

    If a Disputed Owner denies infringement, they may attempt to resolve the issue with the Original Owner. If unsuccessful, the Original Owner may choose legal action or allow the Disputed Content to remain published.

  2. II. Copying External Content and Publishing on the Platform

    If a Complaint reports infringement of external content, the following steps may be taken:

    • Blocking access to the Disputed Content for 21 days.
    • Requirement of a court order within 21 days for continued blocking.
    • Option for the owner/agent of External Content to file another Complaint.
  3. III. Copying Content and Publishing Externally

    If made aware of instances where Content from the Platform is copied and published externally, we may follow these steps:

    • Removal of Original Content from the external platform.
    • Reporting and requesting removal from the external platform.
    • Potential initiation of legal proceedings against the external platform.
Filing a Complaint
  1. I. Copyright Infringement Notification (DMCA Notice)

    To report copyright infringement, please provide detailed information, including your contact information, a description of your work, the URL of the Disputed Content, a statement of good faith belief, and an undertaking to file an infringement suit within 21 days.

    Submit this information to our grievance officer at [email address].

  2. II. Copyright Infringement Counter-Notification

    If you receive a copyright infringement notification that you believe is in error, you can submit a counter-notification. Provide your contact information, specify your relationship to the uploader, identify the location of the removed content, and include a statement of good faith belief.

    Submit the counter-notification to [name and contact information].

Account Termination Policy

We may terminate a user's access if they are determined to be a repeat infringer.

We reserve the right to decide if Content violates this Piracy Policy and may remove it at our discretion.


This policy may be updated at any time, as required by applicable law. Please review it periodically for any changes.

[Last Updated: September 14, 2023]

For any questions or concerns regarding this Policy, please contact us at [Contact Information].